Indore Police on Wednesday seized around 16,000 kg of cannabis worth around Rs 50 lakhs from a godown in the city and arrested five persons in connection with the case. Indore Police on Wednesday seized around 16,000 kg of cannabis worth around Rs 50 lakhs from a godown in the city and arrested five persons in connection with the case. "We got information that cannabis was being stored illegally in a godown. Our team raided the spot and recovered 270 sacks filled with 16,000 kg of cannabis worth around Rs 50 lakhs. We have arrested five people so far," Guru Prasad Parashar, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, Indore told ANI. Further investigation into the matter is underway. Earlier on Wednesday, in a different case, two persons were arrested for allegedly trafficking cannabis worth Rs 3.15 crore near Indore. Specific intelligence was received by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Indore Unit that two persons would be ...