Facing massive cyber-attacks from Russia-sponsored threat actors, Ukraine has now assembled an 'IT army' tasked with specific cyber challenges Facing massive cyber-attacks from Russia-sponsored threat actors, Ukraine has now assembled an ' IT army ' tasked with specific cyber challenges, which reached nearly 2 lakh users on Telegram on Monday. Called the 'IT Army of Ukraine', it is also using the Telegram account to reach out to technology leaders to help the country fight Russian cyber-attacks and shut down Russian sites and their agents. "A call out on the channel to shut down the API for Sberbank, one of Russia's major banks, appears to have come into play, with the site currently offline," reports TechCrunch. The Ukrainian government officials are also endorsing the 'IT Army', tweeting out the Telegram link. "We are creating an IT army. We need digital talents. There will be tasks for everyone. We continue to fight on the cyber fro...